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Skin Cancer Checks

A jobfit skin cancer check is a comprehensive skin examination.

The skin cancer check is completed by a Jobfit doctor trained in the detection of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is a common problem with two in every three Australians having at least one skin cancer before the age of 70. Outdoor workers and employees who spend significant time in the sun for work or leisure are at particularly high risk.

The goal of our skin cancer check is to screen the skin for any suspicious lesions. The employee will be provided with a written referral that they will then follow up with their own chosen doctor for removal of the suspicious lesion. Our doctors will also give specific advice to employees to reduce their risk of skin cancer and provide general information as required.

Skin cancer can be successfully treated if detected early.

However, skin cancer can be fatal if left untreated.

Employees will be required to complete a skin questionnaire and a signed consent which is reviewed with the doctor before proceeding with an examination.

Undressing to underwear is ideal, but employee preferences can be accommodated with as much of the skin exposed and examined to the employee’s level of comfort.

The skin assessment does not generally involve skin review of exposed breasts, buttocks or genitals but our doctors are happy to review these areas if the employee has a concerning lesion.

Skin cancer checks can be provided at the workplace.

To provide this convenient service, our doctor will require a separate room that can preferably be locked for privacy. The room should have good lighting and an ambient temperature for employee comfort whilst undressing.

We recommend that employees complete their questionnaire prior to the doctor’s review to ensure appointments run on schedule. Each employee will be allocated 15 minutes review time.

Should a concerning lesion arise, the employee will be handed a referral on the day to take to a doctor of their choice for removal. The employee is responsible for following this up, and acknowledges as such in their signed consent.

If an employer would like notification of which employees require follow up this can be arranged, however consent from employees is advised prior to this for confidentiality reasons.

Find out more about Skin Cancer Checks

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