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Dealing with Anxiety

19 April 2021 | News

All humans are dealing with anxiety and fear at times in their lives. That is to say, feeling anxious in certain situations can help us avoid danger, it’s how we’ve evolved to keep ourselves safe. Even if you are not typically an anxious person, it’s common to feel some anxiety during periods of change or uncertainty.

However, some people experience excessive and irrational anxiety, and worries that become prolonged and distressing which can interfere with their daily lives. In short, this may indicate an anxiety disorder.  Often there appears to be no obvious or logical reason for the way the person feels.

To clarify, symptoms may include panic attacks (or fear of these attacks), physical reactions (trembling, sweating, faintness, rapid heartbeat, difficult breathing, nausea) and avoidance behaviour.

anxiety disorders

In short, there are different types of anxiety disorders. For example:

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • panic disorder (and panic disorder with agoraphobia)
  • social anxiety disorder
  • specific phobias
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • generalised anxiety disorder
  • trichotillomania / dermatillomania or body-focused repetitive behaviours)
  • hoarding

As a result, approximately 1 in 4 people have an anxiety disorder that requires treatment at some time in their life. Furthermore, up to another 25 per cent have less severe anxieties such as fear of spiders and snakes.

Certainly, an anxiety disorder can lead to social isolation and depression, and can affect a person’s ability to work and do routine activities. It can also affect relationships with friends, families and colleagues.

Managing anxiety

Meanwhile, some of the management options for anxiety disorders include:

  • learning about anxiety
  • mindfulness
  • relaxation techniques
  • correct breathing techniques
  • cognitive therapy
  • behaviour therapy
  • counselling
  • dietary adjustments
  • exercise
  • learning to be assertive
  • building self-esteem
  • structured problem solving
  • medication
  • support groups

What’s more, you can read more about these anxiety treatment options on the Better Health Channel.

where to get help

In conclusion, if you are dealing with anxiety, it is important to know that recovery is possible and help is available.

To sum up, please contact your:

  • doctor,
  • psychologist,
  • counsellor or
  • local health professional.

For immediate help, Health Direct provides a list of mental health helplines available 24/7.

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